1. Free Health Campaign to the Remote areas of Bangladesh.
2. Free Blood Donation.
3. Middle Level Technical Education.
4. Alleviating poverty.
5. Climate change Education.
6. Centre for Rehabilitation of Children with disabilities.
Mother and Child Health Foundation is a country based non-political, non-profit, government approved service organization. The government is making its best efforts to ensure the development and service of the country and the nation, but this responsibility is not only the responsibility of the government alone, but requires the well-coordinated efforts of both the public and private levels.
Building the future careers of the new generation from the grassroots level, starting with educating them in health, education, information technology, agriculture and modern education, is one of the eradication of poverty as per the United Nations declaration. Technical education at the secondary level plays an important role in poverty alleviation. In this populous country, through training in middle level technical education, reduction of poverty in the country through employment of men/women, reduction of safe maternal and child mortality rate, reduction of neonatal and child safe maternal and child mortality rate, maximum effort and cooperation in development of neonatal and child-health services. Conducting socio-economic development activities for people of different strata of society irrespective of caste, religion, caste, tribe through voluntary work initiatives by creating environment. With the aim, Mother and Child Health Foundation was born.
Legal Status of the Organisation :The Foundation has been registered with the Department of Social Welfare, People’s Republic Of Bangladesh. Registration No Comi- 1635/2005.
The Foundation also as a nonprofit, Charitable organisation Registered by the Government Of Bangladesh Under Society Act.XXI of 1860 bearing Registration No S- 4504( 605) 05.
Objectives :
1.To establish and maintain Health Educational Institutions and Research Organisations like Schools, Colleges,Medical Colleges,Universities, Post Graduate Medical Institutions, Mother and Child Health Institutions, Hospital, Child Health Hospitals and Institutions, Polytechnic Institutions, Religious Institutions, Computer Training Institutions.
2.To assist or help the People, Institutions or any other Legal bodies in the establishment of all kinds of Educational Institutions including School College and University upon such terms and condition as the Society may determine and proper.
3.To assist help and guide the Poor Students through providing Scholarship, Free Tuitions, Free Lodging assisting and helping in purchasing of books and Educational instruments for Education in the institutions established directly by the Organisation or Organisation with other person or Legal bodies and also in the different Educational Institutions run by the Government or non government organisations which are recognised by the Government of Bangladesh.
4.To buid manage and maintain libraries museums, public building, community halls,parks,playgrounds and places of recreation.
5.To take initiative in the improvement of economic conditions of poorer section of people including village farmers by arranging irrigation in dry season constitution dams digging canals constructing drains, excavating lakes and ponds. And also arranging fund, revolving fund or otherwise for that purpose.
6.To provide facilities to foster encourage secure, maintain good and closer relationship and Amity in and among communities and people’s of Bangladesh and others countries of the World through Educational, Social and Cultural Activities.
7.To establish and maintain Hospitals, Health Care Centres, Sanatorium, Senior Citizens Resorts or Old home / Care Centres,or old care home and impart practical training to the students of Medical and other Sciences.
8.To Conduct Self Training, Trade Course Training :All kinds of income generated related Trainings.All the Training will be run by the Organisation and participations.
9.Mother and Child Health Foundation is self depend Social Reforming Research Education based and Health Education Teaching and Training based Religious Welfare Institute
10.The Objects of the Foundation is to expand knowledge of the Medical Science, Architecture or any other field which is for public welfare and essential to commence Education in Light of knowledge, Science and Technology and to prepare in infrastructure for realization of these objects Under Section 4(6) of within Income Tax Law within the ambit of the Foundation Act.1860.
11.To Create and develop programme on Creating and Developing awareness among public about Deadly Diseases, Epidemic, Health, Nutrition, Education Arsenic Problem, Gender Rights,, Social and Human Rights,Social Responsibilities and Environment. Specially, Education on climate change and Creating and Developing Awareness among public About Climate Change to save the globe
12.To Arrange Training Programme on Creating and Developing Awareness to be conducted both Locally and abroad with National and International Experts and to Organize Such Programmes to suit the Countries Needs and Conditions.
History of the Organisation : Mother and Child Health Foundation is a Non-Political Non-Profit Charitable Organization registered by the appropriate authorities of Govt. In the year 2000, the organization applied injection or saline to newborns and children at that time, despite the fact that it was possible to prevent the death of newborns and children due to strong pneumonia or strong diarrhea at that time, but only because of the lack of manpower to inject or push saline to newborns and children properly in the city of Comilla at that time. Infant and child mortality was on the rise. In such a situation, modern philanthropic activities established for the welfare of the society such as intravenous injections or saline pushing services for newborns and children at no cost as well as intravenous injection or saline pushing training centers (Community Medical Services and Training Center) for health workers are set up on their own initiative and through the management of these services in Comilla city. The Center which was created gradually with the permission and approval of the appropriate authorities of the Government under various banners for the welfare of the society It has been registered in the year 2005 under the name Mother and Child Health Foundation and is still running by taking various philanthropic initiatives appropriate to the times and implementing them.
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1.Traffic Congestion Relief Programme For Sustainable Development Goals.
2.Free Health Campaign to the Remote areas in Bangladesh.
3.Education on Climate Change.
4.Free Blood Donation.
5.By through the Middle Level Technical Education Minimising the Unemployment problem to Alleviating Poverty.
6. Research Centre For Rehabilitation of Children with disabilities.
Vision : Meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
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